Meet the Harpy Eagle: The Largest Eagle in the World!

Harpy eagles are known to be fierce and peculiar birds. Their features include an expressive face and crown of feathers. This bird with its striking appearance is sure to take your breath away. Its majestic nature is not the only awe-inspiring thing about this bird.

Even its wingspan and height are sure to impress you. This gorgeous bird measures up to 3 feet and 5 inches in height. The harpy eagle’s wingspan reaches up to 7 feet and 4 inches. Some humans have even compared the harpy eagle to a Pokémon. Others declare that its appearance is similar to that of a person cosplaying a bird.image These birds live in rainforests in America and have managed to gain much popularity among humans due to their outstanding size and mesmerizing appearance. The harpy eagle is larger in comparison to the bald eagle. Bald eagles weigh about 12 pounds, while harpy eagles weigh around 13-20 pounds. The males as well as the females of the species sport grey, black and white plumage.

The raised feathers on their head give them a puzzled appearance. This bird of prey owns big talons and those talons are 5 inches long and are considered as the largest in the bird kingdom. With talons as large as this, it is no wonder that the harpy eagle is at the top of its food chain.image This bird feeds mainly on sloths, deer, and even monkeys. However, their diet is not limited to these animals. They have great eyesight and amazing flying skills, enabling them to easily identify and pick off tree-dwelling prey. The talons are very useful when hunting for prey and allow them to pick up prey that weighs around 17 pounds from the ground. Sadly there are less than 50,000 harpy eagles currently existing in the world. It is our duty and responsibility to conserve these majestic creatures in order to ensure their existence.

Greetings from the largest eagle in the world.image

Image Credit: DecorahPagent

Camouflaging with the tree branch be like.image Image Credit: leon_moore_nature_experience

Just look at that adorable crown of feathers on its head.image Image Credit: cuatrok77

Now that looks like a bird who came right out of a horror movie.image Image Credit: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen

The look you give someone when they say something absurd.image Image Credit: Mitternacht90

Posing for the camera be like.

image Image Credit: Colin Hepburn

That don’t you dare mess with me look.image Image Credit: The Next Gen Scientist

This is why you shouldn’t mess with this bird.image Image Credit: Judie Custer

Looking majestic as ever.image Image Credit: cuatrok77

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