United Airlines Takes Swift Action Against Flight Attendant Involved in Terrell Davis’ Unjust Handcuffing Incident

Photo of Terrell Davis speakign and photo of FBI agent leading Terrell Davis away
Terrell Davis (Photos via Getty Images & @LAmag/X)

United Airlines has taken action against the flight attendant who accused Pro Football Hall of Famer Terrell Davis of hitting him during a trip earlier this month.

Davis was put through an embarrassing ordeal after flying from Denver to California, with FBI agents escorting him off the flight in handcuffs after the employee in question claimed he was assaulted, though the former running back only tapped him on the shoulder.

TMZ has reported that the flight attendant was fired shortly after the incident.

Terrell Davis, United Airlines at odds over flight ban

“A spokesperson for the airline tells us the steward — who the NFL Hall of Famer says embellished allegations against him during a July 13 trip from Denver to Orange County — was canned a short time after the incident took place,” the outlet notes.

“Initially, the company had said the employee was being temporarily taken off duty pending a further review into the matter.”

Parker Stinar, Davis’ attorney, told TMZ they had no idea the employee had been dismissed.“This is the first we have heard of any firing,” he said on Monday.


Despite the termination, Stinar and Davis are still keen on taking the airline to task. There is the issue of United placing the former NFL star on their “No Fly List” and then denying it before rescinding the ban thereafter.

The company also claimed to have reached out to Davis’ team, something Stinar has pushed back on as “blatantly false.”

“We continue to be disappointed by the inappropriate and disrespectful handling of this horrific incident by United’s communication and legal teams,” he added.

Davis is looking to take legal action against United and claims he is still shaken up over the way he was treated “for simply asking for a cup of ice” and has said he will “see the powerful held accountable for this mistreatment.”

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