“Valhalla Rising” (2009)

“Valhalla Rising,” directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and released in 2009, is a visually striking and thematically dense film that defies easy categorization.

Set in 11th century Scandinavia, the film follows the enigmatic warrior known only as One-Eye (played by Mads Mikkelsen) as he embarks on a haunting journey across a savage and desolate landscape.

The narrative of “Valhalla Rising” unfolds with sparse dialogue and a deliberate pace, inviting viewers into a world steeped in mysticism and primal brutality.

(center) Mads Mikkelsen as One Eye in VALHALLA RISING directed by Nicolas Winding RefnPhoto credit: ©Copyright 2009: Valhalla Rights ApS, One Eye Production, Blind Eye Productions, ScanboxAn IFC Films releaseOne-Eye, a mute warrior and slave, possesses an uncanny ability for violence and survival.

(center) Mads Mikkelsen as One Eye in VALHALLA RISING directed by Nicolas Winding RefnPhoto credit: ©Copyright 2009: Valhalla Rights ApS, One Eye Production, Blind Eye Productions, ScanboxAn IFC Films release

When he escapes captivity with a young boy named Are (played by Maarten Stevenson), they join a group of Christian Vikings bound for the Holy Land on a Crusade. However, their voyage takes a dark and surreal turn as they become lost in fog-shrouded waters and encounter unforeseen perils.

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