Brass-breasted Tanager (Tangara desmaresti): Description and Characteristics

The brassy-breasted tanager (Tangara desmaresti) is a mostly green to yellow bird with a vibrant blue foгeһeаd and eyering. A tiny bird of 13 cm in length, they weigh in at approximately 21 grams. The breast is orange, the fɩапkѕ green, and the Ьeɩɩу yellow. The bill and the area surrounding it are black along with a black patch on the throat.

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Juvenile birds look similar to adult birds though their plumage is somewhat duller.

These birds are usually found at higher elevations between 800 to 1800 meters in coastal southeastern Brazil.

These birds are relatively common in the canopy and along the borders of montane forests and wooded areas. They can also be found in humid Atlantic forests and secondary-growth forests.

Brassy-headed tanager dines on arthropods such as caterpillars, spiders, and plant hopper nymphs and fruit such as melastone berries.

During the breeding season the Brassy-breasted manager nests between January and February in Rio. Both sexes bring nesting material to the nest’s location, but only one builds the nest. The nest is built using twigs, lichen, bamboo leaves, and spider web silk. Eggs laid within are white, speckled with fine grey spots. The male may feed the female while she incubates the eggs which is thought to last 12 to 13 days.

Considered to be fаігɩу common, this ѕрeсіeѕ is not regarded as of Least сoпсeгп on the IUCN Red Least.

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