Archaeologists Discover Grave Of 17th Century French Couple Buried With Each Other’s Hearts – The Story Behind It Is Shocking

A researcher recently discovered historians and archaeologists in France. During excavations in an abandoned church in Brittany, investigators discovered the tombs of a 17th century pareja, testimony to a love as intense as it is immortal. This is why this discovery is particularly unique and it is buried in the heart of the other, a revealing gesture that reveals a rare and deeply symbolic practice.


The couple, identified through historical documents, is formed by Pierre de Vigne, a Breton nobleman, and his wife, Jeanne Lefebvre. Analysis of the data shows that they will be buried on one side of the other, but that the silver urns will be found in each place where they will attract attention.

Each urn contains a human heart, carefully preserved using the advanced embalming techniques of the time. After DNA testing, it was confirmed that each urn contained the heart of the other, symbolizing their desire to remain united beyond death.


According to the records, Pierre and Jeanne were married in 1642. Their correspondence, found in local archives, testifies to a passionate love and deep mutual respect. Pierre, a horseman called to the menu to defend his territory, wrote frequently to Juana, promising to be velar for her even after his death.

When she died in 1675, Joan insisted that the heart be left and that she be reunited with her husband, who had been married a year before. This gesture was probably inspired by the religious and cultural beliefs of the time, where the heart was considered the asia of the soul and eternal love.

Entering separate or interchanged areas between loved ones was not a common practice, but it exists in some aristocratic traditions of Europe, particularly in France. It is a demonstration of exceptional love or deep religious devotion.


“This discovery not only illustrates a unique love story, but also fascinating funeral practices that reflect the values and beliefs of the 17th century,” explains Dr. Élisabeth Moreau, a historian specializing in funeral rituals.

The discovery of the bellies of Pierre and Jeanne offers a rare glimpse into the intimate lives of the parejas of the time. We also know that, even during the journeys of the centuries, love has always been a powerful force that transcends the limits of life and death.

The church site is currently classified as a historical monument and is preparing an exhibition dedicated to this exceptional couple. It presents not only the urns and writings found, but also a reconstruction of his life, allowing visitors to delve deeper into this love story that defies time.


Thus, the story of Peter and Joan is an inspiration and offers a moving record of the depth of human love and its power to survive the tests of time.

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